Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

What does happen to your personal information that you disclose our company?

If you buy products from us, your name, email address, and other information about you are collected during the buying and selling procedure.

We collect automatically your IP address each time you access our website. We are able to learn more about your browser and operating system through this data.

If you accept to receive emails to inform you about new products, our store or any other relevant information.

Section 2: Consent

Is there a better way to gain my permission other than asking me?

By providing us with personal information to complete a transaction online, make a purchase, verify a credit card\’s details, arrange delivery, exchange or return of a product or to get a refund You signify you agree to the collection and usage solely for this reason.

If we need the personal details of you to be used for purposes not related to marketing, then you will either receive a direct request or be able to choose refusing.

Section 3: Disclosure

If we\’re required to be required to by law or violate the terms of our service, or violate our terms of service, we could be required to share personal data.

SECTION 4. Third Party Service

The majority of the service providers of third parties that we work with do not collect, share, and store your data as needed to deliver the services.

Some third-party providers including payment processors as well as payment gateways, have privacy policies that govern the information we are required to provide to enable your transaction to be completed.

Before submitting your data to these companies it is recommended that you carefully review their privacy policies.

It is important to be aware that some companies operate offices or facilities in jurisdictions that are different from you or us. Your personal information will most likely fall within the laws of the jurisdiction where the provider\’s facility or has their facility.

Section 5. SECTION 6.

We employ all the possible methods to protect your information that you provide us.

The entire credit card information is stored in a secure way and sent with AES 256 security. Although no encryption method, or storage method can ensure 100% security, we follow the PCI DSS and similar specifications of industry.


When you access and use this web site, you represent to the website owner that you are either the legal minimum age in the state you reside or that you meet that requirement if minors are considered your dependents.